GRi Has a New Look

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to GRi’s new website. Here you will find updates on our latest innovations, tradeshow activities, product information and much more. This webpage will provide our clients with a more interactive and informative experience. Please check back frequently for updated news, events, and product information.

We are also excited to introduce our new logo, which we feel is a representation of both the expanding ambitions and unchanging values of GRi. In 1986, GRi was established with a concentration on ocean-mapping services. Since that time, the scope of our company has expanded to include support for a variety of subsea and marine simulation activities. With a continually growing scope of operations, we have felt the need for a more broadly inclusive representation of our company and its activities.  Our new logo therefore reflects that dedication to innovation while reinforcing of our focus on excellence and continuous improvement in the protection and efficiency of subsea assets.


GRI Logo       RcA7axMRi           GRI_square