GRi Demonstrates VROV Well Response Capabilities at OTC 2018


GRi, in association with Boots & Coots, Halliburton, is demonstrating the well response capabilities of the Halliburton Global Rapid Intervention Package (GRIP©) at OTC 2018. The well containment and control equipment of GRIP© is designed for quick mobilization and transport for well response incidents and contingency planning.  GRIP© components have been implemented in GRi’s Virtual Remotely Operated Vehicle (VROV©) simulator, including the RapidCap™ capping stack, debris removal equipment and wellhead dispersant.

VROV© allows ROV pilots to develop navigation and intervention skills in high complexity 3D environments, and the simulator’s unique ability to combine multiple vehicles, surface ships and procedures in a single scenario have made VROV© ideally suited for complex well response missions. Established simulation missions range from debris clearance to interim capping and long-term containment.  The simulator has been used by operators and engineers to visualize risks and evaluate complex procedures, and as a support for the development of well response toolkits and procedural best practices. The current OTC demonstration is the latest in GRi’s simulation of critical well response activities.


GRi at OTC: Booth 731

Halliburton with GRIP© Simulator at OTC: Booth 439